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Activist Aminatou Haidar awarded Bremen Solidarity Award

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Bremen (Germany), Oct 30, 2013 (SPS) - The Bremen Solidarity Award for the year 2013 has been awarded by the German Province of Bremen to the Saharawis activist and President of the Collective of Saharawis Human Rights Defenders (CODESA), Ms. Aminatou Haidar, informed Wednesday the Polisario Front’s office in the province.

The committee overseeing the selection of the winner explained that Aminatou Haidar has been chosen for her record of defending the Saharawis’ human rights desert, praising the great efforts being made by CODESA President in order that the Sahrawis benefit from their natural resources, as a human right cannot be separated from the political and civil rights.

"Aminatou Haidar has frequently and boldly defended the rights of the Saharawis by peaceful mean. She still struggling to find a just solution to the question of Western Sahara by the same means," added the committee.

It went on saying that the Saharawis activist has worked hard to contact witz a number of politicians, diplomats and human rights groups to push for a solution to this issue.

Ms. Aminatou Haidar had been honored by many international human rights organizations, for her struggle to defend the Saharawis people’s human rights.

It should be recalled that Bremen Solidarity Award has, since 1988, been presented to people who campaign for freedom, democracy and human rights and who fight against colonialism and racism.

Nelson Mandela of South Africa and Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi of Myanmar were given this award. (SPS)
