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Mohamed VI’s speech denotes Moroccan injustice against Saharawis

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Algiers, November 9, 2013 (SPS) - President of the Republic Secretary General of  Polisario Front Mohamed Abdelaziz said Thursday in Algiers that the content of the speech Moroccan king Mohamed VI delivered on Wednesday denotes "the blind obstinacy and the Moroccan injustice done to the Sahrawi people."


"This speech denotes the blind obstinacy and the flagrant injustice of a tyrannical colonial ruler, a fact that should draw the attention of the international community on the need to impose economic sanctions on Morocco, as it was the case for the Apartheid regime in South Africa, in order to consolidate democracy," president Mohamed Abdelaziz told Algerian National Radio  in an interview.


"We condemn the Moroccan king’s speech and call on the international community to put pressure on Morocco for the organization of a free referendum in Western Sahara in accordance with the international legality," he added.


For President Mohamed Abdelaziz, "king Mohamed VI tries to hide his practices in terms of human rights in the occupied Saharawi territories."


However, he pointed out that "Moroccan violations against the Saharawi populations are mentioned in the reports made by international organizations of human rights and by some European countries." (SPS)