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Adoption of Tannock report makes urgent Sahrawis claim for self-determination

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Paris, November 9, 2013 (SPS) - The General Secretary of the Association of Friends of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, Régine Villemont, affirmed that in the recently- adopted Charles Tannock report by the European Parliament (EP), exists the conviction that the Sahel-Western Sahara issue is "exhaustive", which makes "urgent and legitimate" Sahrawis claim for self-determination.


"I think that we need to read the two main aspects in the Charles Tannock report: there is the conviction, henceforth well shared by UN, US and the EP, that the Sahel/Western Sahara issue is exhaustive, which makes the settlement of this lingering conflict, left in indifference, the Sahrawi people claim for self-determination urgent and legitimate," he said in an interview to Algerian Press Service (APS).

Through this report, Morocco, "de facto administering power, is put in its place, facing its obligations. It is obliged to give an account of what is done there."


The adoption by the European Parliament of Tannock report is also, Villemont said, "a defeat for Morocco which reacts following two modes, namely helplessness and their distress expressed during the King speech before the Moroccan parliament, and who recognized, for the first time, that the situation is difficult, but holds now the whole society accountable."


Considered the only affair of the throne, and act as if nothing changed when we read the official Moroccan press which managed to find positive aspects in the report," said Villemont. (SPS)

