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Status quo in Western Sahara is not in anyone’s interest, declares French FM

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Paris, Nov 28, 2013 (SPS) - French Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ official spokesman, Romain Nadal, indicated that his country with the view that the status quo in Western Sahara “is not in anyone’s interest.”

“The status quo is not in anyone’s interest. We have long supported a fair, lasting and mutually political solution agreed upon by the two parties, under the auspices of the United Nations and in accordance with Security Council resolutions,” he said during a press conference.

With regard to France’s position on the aspirations of Saharawi people , Mr. Nadal said his country’s position “is clear and firm”, adding that President François Hollande “had in several occasions recalled to this position during the state visit he made to Morocco at the beginning of the year.”

He, in this respect, pointed out that France “supports the efforts of the UN Special Envoy of the UN Secretary General, Mr. Christopher Ross,” highlighting that his country maintain constant contact with him (Ross) and with major stakeholders concerned.

To recall, the UN Security Council has reiterated, in its resolution 2099 (May 2013) on Western Sahara, his call for a “just, durable and mutually acceptable political solution providing for the self-determination of the people of Western Sahara ,” while stressed the importance of “improving the situation of human rights in occupied Western Sahara. (SPS)
