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International Conference on "Peoples’ right to resistance: calls on UN to "expedite" settlement of Western Sahara conflict (Final Declaration)

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ALGIERS, December 16, 2013 (SPS)  – The participants to the 4th International Conference on "Peoples’ right to resistance: case of the Sahrawi people," called Sunday in Algiers in a declaration the UN to "expedite" the settlement of Western Sahara conflict and "expand" MINURSO prerogatives to monitoring human rights in the occupied territories.

The full text of the Final Declaration of the 4th International Conference of Algiers “The Right of the Peoples for Resistance: case of Sahrawi People” Algiers, El Aurassi Hotel, 14 and 15 December 2013:

“The Algerian National Comity for Solidarity with the Saharawi People (ANCSSP) and the embassy of the Sahrawi  Arab Democratic Republic have organized in Algiers, El Aurassi Hotel, on 14 and 15 December 2013 the 4th International Conference of Algiers on “ The Right of Peoples for Resistance: case of the Sahrawi People”

(258) Participants representing (49) countries attended and animated the works of this Conference which benefitted from contributions of parliamentarians, Diplomats, Politicians, academics, lawyers, Intellectuals, media Professionals, Representatives of NGOs and civil societies.

Participants to the 4th Conference of Algiers bow to the memory of the recently deceased African Leader Nelson Mandela and pay homage to his fierce resistance and his profound determination to fight for freedom, justice and dignity in a spirit of peace and reconciliation.   

The opening ceremony was graced by His Excellency Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, President of the SADR, who has reminded in his remark, the inalienable rights of the Sahraoui People to self-determination and independence, as provided by the UN General Assembly Resolution 1514 (XV) and in accordance with the commitment of the 1991 UN/African Peace Plan, that is not implemented until today. The President Abdelaziz exhorted to international solidarity in order to put pressure on the UN and the pertinent multilateral institutions for the achievement of this objective.

In his intervention, President of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic has denounced the irresponsibility of Morocco through delaying tactics in negotiation with the polisario front and saluted the deserving efforts of the Ambassador Christopher Ross, personnel envoy of the UN Secretary General for Western Sahara.

MR Mohamed Abdelaziz has informed the participants about the continuing violations of Human Rights by Morocco in the occupied territories of the Western Sahara, those violations which are severely condemned by the entire International Community. The organized spoliation by Morocco of the Western Sahara natural resources and the complicity of some governments and some institutions have also been denounced by President Abdelaziz. 

Participants to the 4th International Conference of Algiers have listened to testimonies of Sahrawi militants of Human Rights who came from the occupied territories of Western Sahara concerning the daily repeated violations of fundamental rights of dignity, physical integrity and the fundamental liberties of the Sahrawi People. Those violations are perpetrated by Morocco in Western Sahara.

Participants to the 4th International Conference of Algiers, after debating the different aspects of the right struggle of the Sahrawi People, and in light of the elements of President Abdelaziz speech, have clearly reaffirmed the Right of the Sahrawi People for Resistance against the illegal occupation of their territory by the Kingdom of Morocco as enounced in the article 51 of the UN Chart and the 3163 UN General Assembly resolution of 1973.

Participants to the 4th international Conference of Algiers:

1.     Urge the UN to quickly honor its commitment to organize a referendum of self determination for the Sahrawi People.

2.     Announce their mobilization to support Security Council enlarging of the MINURSO mandate to protection of Human Rights in Western Sahara.

3.     Require immediate liberation of all Sahrawi political prisoners and impartial investigation on Sahrawi missing persons.

4.     Call Morocco to immediately stop spoliation of Western Sahara natural resources and the European Union and some governments to respect international legality. In this frame work, the participants vigorously denounce the signing of the recent fisheries agreement between the European Union and Morocco which illustrates a double language and a fundamental contradiction in the European Union positions towards the Western Sahara conflict.

5.     Ask the UN and all its specialized agencies and all international humanitarian institutions to provide efficient and multiform assistance to Sahrawi refugees.

6.     Strongly encourage MR Christopher Ross to persevere in his mission to achieve a right and definitive solution to the Western Sahara conflict which will allow the Sahrawi People to freely choose their destiny, through a free and transparent referendum of self determination under the UN supervision. Participants to the 4th International Conference of Algiers request from all States of the world aid and assistance to MR Christopher Ross.

7.     Call specifically the official France and the official Spain to honor the values of their respective States by adopting, in this conflict of Western Sahara, clear political positions in conformity with International Law and the rest of the international community.

8.     Call to consolidate the ranks of the international movement of solidarity with the Sahrawi People in their fight for freedom by contributing, in all spaces of mobilization, to achieve their right and legitimate claims.

Participants to the 4th International Conference of Algiers have noticed with satisfaction the meeting of the parliamentarians and their declaration of solidarity and mobilization in favor of the fight of the Sahrawi People.

Participants to the 4th International Conference of Algiers have been informed about the extended meeting of the African Task force of the supporting committees created by the African movement of solidarity with the Sahrawi People in Abuja on 29 November 2013. Participants have approved its program of solidarity activities at the continental level.

Participants to the 4th International Conference of Algiers pay homage to Algeria and to his Excellency President Abdelaziz Bouteflika for the constancy of the Algerian political position in the Western Sahara conflict, a position backed by historical and intangible principles and international legality.

Participants to the 4th International Conference of Algiers thank Algeria, land of welcome and hospitality, for hosting, in conviviality, the works of their meeting. They also congratulate the co-initiators, ANCSSP and the Embassy of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic for the perfect organization of this important conference.

Algiers, 15 December 2013” (SPS)