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Sahrawi people determination for independence remains "intact," says Sahrawi President

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AWSERD (Saharawi refugee camps) - Sahrawi President, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, said Tuesday in Awserd that the determination of the Saharawi people to fight against the Moroccan occupation and gain independence remains "intact".


"We renew our oath to our brave martyrs and our prisoners languishing in Moroccan jails that our determination remains intact to fight against the Moroccan occupation for gaining independence," said Abdelaziz in a speech delivered before the 8th Saharawi Youth Congress.


The Saharawi President spoke, also, on the occasion of the closing festivities commemorating the 40th anniversary of the creation of the Polisario Front and the outbreak of the armed struggle against the Moroccan occupation.


Abdelaziz expressed support and solidarity with the Sahrawi population in the occupied territories and the Sahrawi prisoners who "daily suffer from Moroccan abuses," noting his "deep" gratitude to the countries that support his people in its "legitimate" fight.


Moreover, the 8th Congress proceedings continue for the third day to elect a new leadership of the Union of Saharawi youth (UJSARIO). (SPS)

