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Japanese delegation to visit Sahrawi refugee camps

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Tokyo, January 5, 2014 (SPS) -  A Japanese delegation consisting of Member of Parliament Mito Kakizawa, Member of Sahara-Japan Journalist  Association Katsumi Tamura, Representative of Sahara-Japan Journalist  Association Itsuko Hirata, will start on 11 january a visit to Sahrawi refugee camps.  
According to a statement of the delegation, the visit is to "deepen the friendship between Sahrawi and Japanese" and "discuss the future." 
"As the Japan recognizes the role of the United Nations, we should follow the UN Charter and its resolution.  Absolutely we support the UN peaceful solution, the UN referendum promised by the UN itself for the Saharawi people to implement their self-determination. And we respect the great effort by His Excellency Christopher Ross, the Personal Envoy of the UN Secretary General.  Definitely we would like to protect the human rights in the occupied territory," the statment highlighted.
During their stay in Sahrawi refugee camps, the delegation will visit an elementary school, Sahrawi Red Crescent and its ware-house, the rehabilitation center for the mined victims and the sand berm.
The delegation will also meet with the President Mohamed Abdelaziz and some POLISARIO cadres like the Minister of Youth and Sports as well as leadership of UN Negotiation team. 
Furthermore, it will hold discussions with the Sahrawi youth and athletes and make appearance at RASD-TV. (SPS)