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France supports Ross efforts to resolve Western Sahara conflict

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Paris, Jan 04, 2014 (SPS) - The Spokesman of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Romain Nadal has indicated that his country (France) supports the efforts undertaken by the UN Envoy for Western Sahara, Christopher Ross, to resolve the conflict of Western Sahara.

“We support the efforts of Mr. Christopher Ross and maintain a regular dialogue with him as with the major stakeholders,” said Mr. Nadal, during a press briefing on Monday.

Last week, Ross made a tour in the region, during which he visited Algiers, Saharawi refugee camps, Nouakchott and Rabat.

He previously held consultations in the capitals concerned with the Saharawi cause, especially the Group of Friends of the UN Secretary General for Western Sahara (Spain, France, United States and Britain). (SPS)
