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President of Republic hails Mauritania presidency of African Union

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Aghwinit 10 (Liberated Territories) February 10, 2014 (SPS) - President of Republic Secretary General of the Polisario Front Mohamed Abdelaziz has praised Mauritania'spresidency of the African Union, in an interview with Mauritanian newspaper "Bayan Souhoufi."


President Mohamed Abdelaziz said he is convinced that Mauritania'spresidency of the African Union will constitute a strong support to the Saharawi people struggle for freedom and independence through the African Union platforms, because of the special relations between the Mauritanian and Sahrawi peoples as brotherly and neighbouring countries as well as active members in the African Union .


He added that he counts on the support of Mauritania to the Sahrawi cause during the next African Malabo Summit which is expected to discuss the question of the Western Sahara.


President Mohamed Abelaziz made these statements on the sidelines of the celebrations commemorating the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Polisario Front, which took place Tuesday and Wednesday in the liberated area of "Aghwinit". (SPS)