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Polisario Front Representative in Paris accuses France of " blocking" settlement of Western Sahara issue

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Paris, February 17, 2014 (SPS) - The support for the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination and independence is at the heart of the 9th edition of the anticolonial week, where the Polisario Front Representative in Paris, Omar Mansour, inaugurated Saturday this event, accused France of " blocking" the settlement of the question of Western Sahara.    


"The French government encourages Morocco to continue the occupation of Western Sahara and whenever the United Nations tries to put pressure on it to force it to recognize the rights of the Saharawi people to self-determination, France,a  member of the UN security Council, maneuvers to block progress to settle the problem of decolonization," he said before numerous representatives of political parties, associations and supporters.        


"We regret this situation," he added, hoping that the socialist government " can expand the changes it has promised to the southern shore of the Mediterranean", by supporting peoples and enabling them to self-determination and respect for their democratic choices.      


"We do not want France to be hostile to Morocco, but simply that their friendship does not build at the expense of the legitimate rights of the people of Western Sahara to self-determination," added Mr. Mansour. (SPS)