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Morocco pursues policy of batons against Saharawi citizens

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El Aaiun (occupied territories), March 14, 2014 (SPS ) - After failing to subjugating the Saharawi people, Morocco is pursuing a policy of brutality against young Saharawi people who demonstrate peacefully to demand the right of their people to self-determination and to live in dignity.

In this context, Moroccan occupying authorities arrested Wednesday afternoon the 19-year-old Saharawi student Mohamed Lamine Alboudani in the occupied city of El Aaiun, capital of Western Sahara.

Mohamed Lamin said that he had been forced by Moroccan police in civilian clothes to get into a Toyota Prado car with the registration number 416 127, before being interrogated under torture on the ground of his political activities and his relationship with the almost daily demonstrations that occur in the city.

Five hours later, the young Saharawi was freed without judicial warrant and any charges against him. (SPS)
