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Anti-apartheid fighter Andrew Mlangeni to attend FiSahara 2014

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Madrid, April 17, 2014 (SPS) - The iconic anti-apartheid fighter Andrew Mlangeni, imprisoned with Nelson Mandela for 26 years, announced Wednesday that he will attend the 11th edition of the Western Sahara International Film Festival (FiSahara), to be held in the Wilaya of Dakhla from April 29th to May 04, informed the organizers.

Mlangeni, now 89, was sentenced with Nelson Mandela at the Rivonia trials and lived beside him in Robben Island and Pollsmoor prison.

During the festival, the South African freedom fighters, Andrew Mlangeni, will take part in a roundtable discussion with others include the Saharawi human rights defender, Mohammed Daddach, said to the organizers.

Through choosing South Africa as the guest of honour of this year’s edition, FiSahara pays a special tribute to Nelson Mandela, who showed a great solidarity with the struggle of the Saharawi people for freedom and self-determination.

Now in its 11th edition, the festival will bring together hundreds of international actors, directors, filmmakers and sympathizers with the Saharawi people.

It aims to both raise awareness of the plight of the Saharawi refugees, displaced from their homeland for nearly four decades by an unlawful Moroccan occupation, and to empower them to tell their own story through film. (SPS)
