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Envoy of President of Republic received by Nigerian President

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Abuja (Nigeria) April 18, 2014 (SPS) - Special Envoy of the President of the Republic M'hamed Khadad, member of the National Secretariat of the Polisario Front and the Coordinator with the MINURSO, received Thursday by Mr. Jonathan Goodluck, President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, according to a statement of SADR Embassy in Abuja, Nigeria. 
The Envoy handed a letter from President Mohamed Abdelaziz  to President Jonathan Goodluck related to bilateral relations between the two countries as well as the feelings of condolences and solidarity on behalf of the people and government of the Sahrawi Republic to the Nigerian government  and people, following the recent treacherous terrorist act on the outskirts of the Nigerian capital which killed dozens of innocent citizens. 
Mr. Khadad briefed  the Nigerian President on the latest development regarding the question of Westen Sahara, in light of the report of the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the current  deliberations in the UN Security Council, which is chaired by Nigeria in April, stressing the "urgent need  to respond for expanding the mandate of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara to include human rights monitoring". (SPS)