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CTA asks government to vote in favour of expanding MINURSO mandate for human rights monitoring

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Buenos Aires, April 23, 2014 (SPS) - The Argentine Workers’ Central Union (Spanish acronym; CTA) has urged the government of its country to vote in favour of expanding the mandate of the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) to include human rights monitoring in the occupied Saharawi territories.

In a letter sent to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Argentine Mr. Héctor Timerman, CTA called on Argentine Government to act so that the respect for human rights in Western Sahara been guaranteed, asking it to vote in favour of this within the UN Security Council.

The Argentine’s trade union went on saying that expanding MINURSO mandate to include human rights monitoring will constitute a “decisive step towards the desired eradication of the last vestiges of colonialism that still exist in our world and still suffered by our sisterly peoples and nations, as is the case for Western Sahara.”

The letter recalled to the many letters addressed to the UN Security Council by international organizations and associations of human rights, trade unions as well as academic and political figures, in which they denounced Morocco’s systematic violations and called on the UN to complete procedures so to organize the self-determination referendum in Western Sahara in accordance with international legitimacy.

To recall, Argentine is a non-permanent member of the Security Council of the United Nations.

Security Council expected to issue a resolution regarding the situation concerning Western Sahara, in light of the report submitted to the Council by Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on the current April 10th. (SPS)
