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Algeria “satisfied” with UNSC resolution on Western Sahara

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Algiers, April 30, 2014 (SPS) - Algeria Tuesday expressed “satisfaction” with the UN Security Council’s adoption of Resolution on Western Sahara, which extends the mandate of the MINURSO and renews the mission entrusted to Christopher Ross, as Special Envoy of UN Secretary General, said Algerian Foreign Ministry‘s spokesman Abdelaziz Benali Cherif.

Algeria “welcomes the renewal of UN commitment for a just, lasting and mutually political solution which will provide for the self-determination of the people of Western Sahara, in conformity with the principles and purposes of the UN Charter as well as the resolutions of the General Assembly, Security Council and the universal doctrine in terms of decolonization,” Algeria’s FM spokesman said in a statement to APS.

Algeria “welcomes the growing mobilization of the international community for the matter of human rights monitoring in Western Sahara. As Secretary-General noted in his last report, it emphasizes its commitment to the setting up and the implementation of independent and credible measures to ensure respect of human rights of Sahrawi people,” he further pointed out.

As a neighboring country and observer country in the settlement process, Algeria, “which will continue to contribute to the completion of Western Sahara decolonization process, reaffirms support to the efforts of the UN Secretary General and his Personal Envoy for a solution based on the free practice by Western Sahara's people of their right to self-determination.”

Algeria “reiterates its call on both conflicting parties, Morocco and the Polisario Front, to continue to work under the auspices of the United Nations, in order to achieve, through direct negotiations without preconditions, a just and lasting solution to the conflict in the interest of both Moroccan and Sahrawi peoples and all the peoples of the Maghreb,” the spokesman concluded. (SPS)
