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Saharawi people’s struggle is similar to that of South Africa, says Nelson Mandela's Companion

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Dakhla (Refugee Camps) May 1, 2014 (SPS) - Nelson Mandela's Companion Andrew Mlangeni confirmed  that the Saharawi people’s struggle is similar to the struggle of the South African people against the apartheid regime, in a speech Wednesday during the opening ceremony of the 11th edition of the International film Festival in Western Sahara (FiSahara) held in the Wilaya of Dakhla, Sahrawi refugee camps.  
Mr.Mlangeni considered himself present at this event on behalf of the late leader Nelson Mandela, as he was his companion in prison for 26 years, expressing his gratitude and appreciation for the respect that the Saharawi people holds for Nelson Mandela, who was known for his support for the values of humanity and the right of peoples to self-determination and to live in freedom and dignity.
The International Film Festival in Western Sahara (FiSahara) sends special message of gratitude and appreciation for the sacrifices made by Nelson Mandela in South Africa and all over the world, for humanity, through choosing South Africa as guest of honor to the11th edition, it should be recalled. (SPS)