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Moroccan regime is threat to region’s security, stability, says Ibrahim Ghali

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Algiers, June 12, 2014 (SPS) - Ambassador of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) Ibrahim Ghali said Wednesday, in Algiers, that “the Moroccan regime represents, from now on, a threat to the region’s security and stability.”


Speaking in an assessment day of the activities of the parliamentary women delegation in the Sahrawi refugee camps on the occasion of Women’s Day, celebrated March 8, Ghali underlined that “the Moroccan regime which advocates an expansionary policy, is from now on a threat to the region’s stability and peace,  given that it is a drug producer and exporter.”


The ambassador added that  “the money from drug trafficking represents the funding source of terrorist groups in the region,” condemning “all forms of terrorism, organized crime and Moroccan authorities ‘ policies of provocation,” and denouncing  the prevarications and hindrances of the Moroccan regime.”


In his speech, Ghali exhorted the international community to exercise pressures on the Moroccan occupier “to bring it to respect the international resolutions and legalities,” reiterating its solidarity with the Sahrawi citizens “who face the Moroccan war machine” and calling international and human rights organizations to “ensure their defence and work for the liberation of all Sahrawi prisoners.”


The president of the National Solidarity committee with the Sahrawi people ,Said Layachi, underlined “we militate for right and justice,” adding that “ there is “no animosity towards our Moroccan brothers, but we are against injustice and exploitation.” (SPS)

