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Socialist International to conduct exploratory visit to Western Sahara

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Mexico City, July 3, 2014 (SPS) - The Socialist International Women has agreed to organize an exploratory visit to Western Sahara, promising, at the conclusion of its Council’s meeting held in Mexico City, to set the date of the visit in the near future, said a source close to the Saharawi delegation.

The decision made after a request by the Saharawi delegation, inviting SI to visit the territory of Western Sahara, in the aim to assess at first hand the reality of the Saharawi people.

Participants at SI’s Council’s meeting, of which the representatives of African National Congress of South Africa, SWAPO of Namibia, Puerto Rican Independence Party, Sandinista National Liberation Front of Nicaragua and the Socialist Party of Spain, said the Socialist International needs to do more in order to alleviate the suffering of the Saharawi people, demanding that the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination be respected.

They also stressed the need to find a peaceful solution to the long-standing conflict of Western Sahara. (SPS)
