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Danish MP worried for tens of Saharawi journalists having detained by Moroccan authorities

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Copenhagen, July 9, 2014 (SPS) - Spokesman of the Red-Green Alliance Party in the Danish Parliament, MP Christian Juhl, has expressed “profound worry” for tens of Saharawi activists, journalists and protestors having detained by Moroccan authorities without a court order following peaceful protests calling for the Saharawi people’s right to self-determination, held on 30th June 2014 in El Aaiun, capital of Western Sahara.

In a letter sent to the Moroccan Minister of Justice Mostafa Rmaidi, a copy of which obtained by SPS, Mr. Juhl expressed “profound worry” for dozens of people in the occupied territories of the Western Sahara, who are in immediate danger of arbitrary detention.

The letter urged the Moroccan Minister of Justice to take necessary measures to ensure that:

- No-one is detained for merely peacefully exercising their right to freedom of expression, peaceful assembly or association, or for their political affiliation

- Any person detained by the Morrocan authorities who is not accused of an internationally recognised crime is set free immediately and without conditions

- All those who are detained have immediate access to a lawyer, are presented before an independent civil court that must determine the legality of their detention, that they be able to see their families and have access to the medical attention they need

- The authorities make public immediately a list of those detained and their whereabouts.

Moroccan occupying authorities have escalated its campaigns of repression and arrests against Saharawi human rights activists and journalists in the holy month of Ramadan, lately of which the arrest of journalist Mahmud El-Haissan. (SPS)
