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UESARIO 2nd Congress: international community, responsible for impasse in Western Sahara

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Awserd (refugee camps), Aug 27, 2014 (SPS) - The 2nd Congress of the Saharawi Students Union (UESARIO) said that the current political impasse in the UN settlement of Western Sahara is still a stain on the international community, calling on the UN to shoulder responsibility vis-à-vis the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination.

In the final communiqué of the 2nd Congress, UESARIO members described as “a stain on the international community” the current impasse in the UN settlement plan in Western Sahara and the suffering of the Saharawi people, who are separated by a Moroccan military wall.

The communiqué warned, in this regard, of the continuation of the state of impasse and international community’s failure to implement the UN resolutions, proceed to organize a referendum on self-determination for the Saharawi people and include the monitoring of human rights within MINURSO mandate.

Voicing their support to the just cause of the Palestinian people, the Saharawi students hailed the positions of friendly peoples and countries which have long supported and backed the struggle of the Saharawi people, including Algeria, Mauritania, Cuba, Venezuela, Nigeria, South Africa and several other countries in Africa and the Caribbean region.

They, on other hand, recalled to the pioneering role of the Saharawi student in improving society and national institutions, adding that they could positively act to fight social ills, strengthen the internal front and face the Moroccan occupation’s desperate attempts to spread segregation among the Saharawi society.

The congress stressed the need for the Saharawis to close rows, to be aware of the enemy’s plots, preserve the gains, escalate the national struggle and diversify the methods of peaceful resistance in order to achieve the national goals. (SPS)
