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Brazil’s House of Representatives urges government to recognize SADR

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Brasilia, Sept 4, 2014 (SPS) - Brazilian House of Representatives on Wednesday urged the government of its country to recognize the Saharawi Republic (SADR), said the Saharawi ambassador in mission to Brazil Mr. Mohamed Zrug.

The House of Representatives of Brazil asked, in a request delivered to President Dilma Rousseff, the government of Brazil to take “a clear stance” on Western Sahara issue, deploring Morocco’s violations of human rights in the occupied Saharawi territories.

The request, supported by the majority of Brazilian political parties, called for establishing diplomatic relations with the Saharawi state and to act so that the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) be able to monitor human rights in the territory.

MP Alfredo Sirkis has revealed that there is a strong pressure from the part of Morocco to deter the Brazilian government from recognizing the Saharawi Republic.

“The Frente Polisario seeks from Brazil to take a position similar to those adopted by Mexico and South Africa, which recognize the Saharawi state while maintain good relations with Morocco,” said Mr. Mohamed Zrug, Saharawi Ambassador in mission to Brazil, in a statement to the Spanish Press Agency (EFE).

The diplomat went on saying that there is a consensus inside Brazil’s parliament on the recognition of SADR, adding that there is no reason preventing Brazil from recognizing the SADR as it did in the case of Palestine.

He, in relevant context, underlined that the Polisario Front maintains a constant dialogue with the government of Brazil, highlighting that the recognition of SADR would carry Morocco to stop blocking the negotiations. (SPS)
