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MDM 9th Congress pays homage to struggle of Saharawi woman

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Lisbon, Oct 27, 2014 (SPS) - The ninth congress of the Women’s Democratic Movement in Portugal (MDM) on Sunday paid tribute to the struggle of Saharawi woman, voicing support to just struggle of the Saharawi people for self-determination through fair and impartial referendum, under aegis of the United Nations.

In the final communiqué of its 9th congress, MDM denounced the illegal occupation of Western Sahara and the gross violations of human rights being carried out against the Saharawis by Moroccan regime.

Denouncing Morocco’s continuous repression against Saharawi women, elderly and young people, the communiqué “strongly” deplored the Wall of Shame, which separates Western Sahara’s land and families.

Addressing the congress on Sunday, Secretary General of Saharawi Women Union, Fatma Al-Mahdi, called upon world women, particularly those of the Portuguese Women’s Democratic Movement, to play a more active role to shed light on the serious human rights abuses taking place in the occupied territories of Western Sahara.

Calling for more action to make known the question of Western Sahara, she invited world women to contribute to ending the suffering of the Saharawi people and thus complete the decolonization of the last colony in Africa.

At an invitation by MDM, the Secretary General of Saharawi Women Union, Fatma Al-Mahdi, and Polisario Front’s Representative in Portugal, Ahmed Fal Mohamed, attended the congress. (SPS)
