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Danish Red-Green Alliance “firmly” supports Saharawi people’s right to self-determination and independence

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Copenhagen, Jan 28, 2015 (SPS) - The Danish Red-Green Alliance Party has expressed “firm support” to the right of the Saharawi people to Self-determination and independence, said Tuesday MP Christian Juhl in a meeting with Mr. Abba Malainin, POLISARIO Representative to Denmark.

The Danish official voiced his party’s support to the “strict respect” of human rights in Western Sahara, calling for the need to mandate the MINURSO with human rights monitoring in occupied Western Sahara.

The meeting was an occasion for the Saharawi Diplomat to brief the Danish MP about the latest developments of the UN peace process in Western Sahara, the abysmal situation of human rights in occupied Western Sahara, especially the situation of the Saharawi human rights activists imprisoned in different prisons in Morocco.

The meeting also focused on the illegal exploitations of the Saharawi natural resources by Morocco and different multinationals companies, recent of which are Kosmos Energy and Cairn Energy.

Mr. Christian Juhl has represented the Danish Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee in the 39th EUCOCO Conference, organized last November in Madrid.

He has also recently raised various questions about Western Sahara to the Danish Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Parliament. (SPS)
