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New communal graves discovered in Western Sahara

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Algiers, Jan 29, 2015 (SPS) - Bodies of six missing Saharawis were exhumed from three new communal graves, discovered recently by Spanish experts in the region of Smara near Amgala, said Wednesday President of the Association of Families of Sahrawi Prisoners and Disappeared (AFAPREDESA) Abdesslam Omar.

The bodies were discovered in “November 2014 by Spanish, internationally renowned, scientific experts, who exhumed the mortal remains of the six Sahrawi citizens discovered in three communal graves at Fadret Leguiaa, region of Smara near Amgala,” Abdesslam told Algeria Press Service (APS).

He underlined that the “Spanish experts are, at present, conducting genetic identification of the bodies. It is “a complex operation that will take time,” he said, calling to “shed light on the identity of these people.”

On this occasion, Abdesslam denounced the fact that the Spanish medical team
“couldn’t extend the investigations to the territories occupied by Morocco where the communal graves are concentrated.”

He also denounced that, despite the pressure from the United Nations and the European Parliament, particularly, “Morocco maintains its stance of refusal” to respect the international law. A situation “that cannot last,” he added. (SPS)
