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Decolonization of Western Sahara, priority for African trade union movement (NLC President)

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Abuja, Feb 2, 2015 (SPS) - The outgoing president of the Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC), Mr. Abdulwahed Omar, on Monday called on African workers, particularly the Nigerians, to continue mobilizing for the acceleration of the decolonization process in Western Sahara and to ensure the right to self-determination for Saharawi people.

Addressing the 11th congress of the African Trade Union Organization, Mr. Abdulwahed indicated that the NLC has, in the last four years, adopted important initiatives regarding Western Sahara, adding they remain “inadequate” so long as the Sahrawi people suffer under the yoke of Moroccan colonialism.

The congress was attended by leaders of Nigerian and international trade unions as well as representatives of the Nigerian Government.

The congress approved the report on the activities made by the Organization over the recent period, including of which the international conference of solidarity with the Saharawi people held in Abuja in 2013 and the various visits to the Saharawi refugee camps by Nigerian trade unionists.

A Saharawi delegation, composed of Workers Union General Secretary Mr. Mohamed Cheichk Mohamed Lehbib and Ambassador in Nigeria Mr. Ubbi Bachir, participates at this congress, convened on February 9-11, 2015. (SPS)
