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Cooperation Minister denounces Spain’s double-standard policy on Saharawi issue

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Madrid, Feb 22, 2015 (SPS) - The Minister of Cooperation, Mr. Brahim Mojtar, has called on the Spanish government to stop pursuing a double standard policy towards the question of Western Sahara, in a meeting with the general director of cooperation in the Canary Island’s regional government.

The Saharawi official said that by supplying Morocco with military equipment and opposing the incorporation of human rights monitoring into MINURSO mandate, the central government of Spain will only make longer the suffering of the Saharawi people.

Spain, stated the official, has to correct the fatal historic mistake it committed towards the Saharawi people, by playing a pivotal role as a member of the UN Security Council in order to end this issue.

The minister makes a working visit to Canary Islands to raise awareness about the national issue. (SPS)
