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Delegation received by vice president of Slovenian parliament

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 Ljubljana (Slovenia), April 12, 2015 (SPS) - A delegation led by Mohamed Sidati, Minister Delegate for Europe,was received by Vice-President of the Slovenian Parliament Primož Hainz, chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs Jozef Horvat and Kamal Shaker Isidor, MP from the ruling party (CMC) and in charge of the relations with the EU.


 The Saharawi Minister briefed his interlocutors on latest developments of the question of Western Sahara, on the eve of the next meeting of the Security Council on Western Sahara, stressing the urgent need for the Saharawi people to exercise their inalienable right to self-determination and independence.


 The Saharawi official also stressed that the policy of the Moroccan occupation in Western Sahara is a real threat to the United Nations peace process, calling Slovenia and the European Union to intervene to save the international efforts to find a peaceful solution to the Western Sahara.


For their part, the Slovene politicians expressed their commitment to international law and the strict implementation of the UN resolutions and decisions guaranteeing the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination.


It should be recalled that Mr. Sidati hosted a conference at the Faculty of Ljubljana University of Philosophy on the different aspects of the struggle of the Saharawi people. (SPS)

