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French MP urges Government to engage in settlement efforts in Western Sahara

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Paris, April 16, 2015 (SPS) - French MP Hervé Ferrand has asked the government of his country to engage in the efforts aimed at resolving the conflict of Western Sahara, urging France to support every endeavor to move forward the stalled peace process.

In a written letter addressed to French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, MP Ferrand called on France to support every effort aimed at bringing about a progress in the peace process in Western Sahara, so to achieve a lasting political solution providing for the right to self-determination of the Saharawi people in accordance with UN resolutions.

French parliamentarian, in the same regard, requested the Security Council of the United Nations to move forward the stalled negotiations process, praising the recent African Union position in emphasizing, once again, on the need to enable the Saharawi people of their right to self-determination. (SPS)
