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President of Republic congratulates South African counterpart on National Day

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Birlehlu (liberated territories), April 27, 2015 (SPS) The President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, sent a congratulatory message to his counterpart of South Africa, Jacob Zuma, during the celebration of his country's 21th anniversary of independence of the Republic of South Africa.


"on behalf of the Saharawi Government and people and on my own behalf, allow me to convey to Your Excellency and the people of South Africa, my warmest congratulations and best wishes for success and prosperity on the occasion of the 21st anniversary of National freedom Day of the Republic of South Africa ", wrote the President in his message to his counterpart of South Africa.


"The celebration of more than two decades of freedom and democracy in South Africa, is a source of pride not only for South Africa and its people, but also for all countries of the African continent and its peoples" , he added.


The Western Sahara is linked to the Republic of South Africa by diplomats relations at ambassadorial level, rcaled the Saharawi President, reiterating the will of the SADR government to strengthen these relations and diversify them for the benefit of the peace, stability and prosperity of our two peoples and our two countries and peoples of African countries, concluded the message of the President of the Republic. (SPS)

