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Amnesty International voices concern at France-Morocco judicial cooperation

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London, May 14, 2015 (SPS) - Amnesty International (AI) on Wednesday expressed concern at the judicial cooperation between France and Morocco, underlying that French Parliament’s approval of such agreement is an attempt to keep the perpetrators of torture and crimes in Western Sahara and Morocco in total impunity.

The ONG said it will publish a report detailing cases of torture taking place in Western Sahara and Morocco next March 19th.

In a statement issued on their website, AI highlighted details on instances of crimes of torture and ill-treatment practiced by Moroccan police, especially during the periods of custody, remand prison or investigation.

Relations between Morocco and France have recently been strained because of the judicial follow-up carried out by French courts against some Moroccan officials in the past few months.

By signing judicial agreement with France, Morocco wants to ensure immunity for its officials, given that France is preferred destination for senior officials in the Moroccan state. (SPS)
