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Saharawi ambassador leads African ambassadors’ delegation to outgoing Nigerian president

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Abuja, May 21, 2015 (SPS) - The Saharawi Ambassador in Nigeria, Mr. Oubbi Bachir, on Wednesday led a delegation of African ambassadors as part of a courtesy visit to the outgoing President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, H.E. Mr. Goodluck Jonathan.

Speaking on behalf of 42 African ambassadors, Mr. Oubbi Bachir applauded the excellent cooperation and coordination shown by President Goodluck Jonathan and his government in the recent years, praising his constant keenness to make Africa at the heart of Nigeria’s foreign policy.

In his address on the occasion, the Saharawi diplomat welcomed the initiative of President Goodluck to spare the blood of the people of Niger when he congratulated the president-elect and called Nigerien citizens to accept the election results.

“Nigeria, which was the biggest populated country in the continent, has since last year became the first economic power in Africa. After the last free and transparent electoral process, it has now become a democratic model worthy of being emulated in Africa,” said the Saharawi ambassador, who is the Dean of Diplomatic Corps accredited to Nigeria.

President Goodluck Jonathan thanked the African delegation for their visit, calling them to demonstrate the same commitment, warmth and solidarity shown to him to the new President-elect, in order to strengthen Nigeria’s relations with African countries so to meet security and economic challenges facing the continent.

It is to be noted that Goodluck Jonathan lost the presidential elections that took place last March 28 before his rival, General Mohamadu Bouhar, who is going to be inaugurated on May 29. (SPS)
