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Associations call Spanish government to assume responsibility vis-a-vis Western Sahara

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MADRID(Spain) June10, 2015 (SPS) -- The national platform of associations in solidarity with Sahara (CEAS-Sahara) called on the Spanish government to be “decisive” and “courageous” in assuming its responsibilities vis-vis Western Sahara.


In a communiqué published in a high level Spanish-Moroccan meeting held Saturday in Madrid, the pro-Sahrawi collective asked Spain to “get decisively involved in the search of a political solution that recognizes the Sahrawi people’s legitimate rights and not give in to Morocco’s blackmail and  to stop avoid talking about decolonization” of Western Sahara.


According to this collective of associations cited by the Sahrawi Press Agency, it is “a joint responsibility issue that will, as long as it lasts, make the relations between the countries based on blackmail and distrust.”


In this regard, CEAS-Sahara recalled that Morocco “will spare no effort” to “drag” Spain in a “permanent scenario of violation of international legality and human rights violation,” as it is the case for the drama of Sahrawi citizen Takbar Haddi. SPS
