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AU calls UN to protect Western Sahara

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 Johannesburg, June 20, 2015 (SPS) - The 25th African Union summit has approved a decision in which the AU heads of state and government call the UN General Assembly to protect Western Sahara and keep its unity as the United Nations considers it a non-self-governing territory.


 The summit took this decision after it received the report of the AU Peace and Security Council on the situation of peace and security in Africa.


 Resorting to such decision points to the deep concern and great dissatisfaction expressed during the deliberations of the Peace and Security Council and at the level of the summit itself on the gross violations of human rights in the occupied territories of Western Sahara, systematic looting of natural resources and existence of the 2,700 km military wall that divides the territory and separates its people.


Such decision also refers to the fact that the UN General Assembly is in charge of decolonization in Western Saharan and that the Security Council has not assumed its responsibility as the direct supervisor of the implementation of the peace plan. (SPS)

