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Kafana: New Spanish documentary about the situation in the Saharawi refugee camps

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Madrid, 23/06/2015 (SPS).- Kafana is the title of the documentary of Silvia Venegas and Juan Antonio Moreno which saw the light recently and which aims to alert about the situation in the Saharawi refugee camps in Algeria, the newspaper Pú reported yesterday.

The film stresses on the serious humanitarian situation, because of food shortage, in the second oldest camp in the world after the Palestinian one, but also highlights the organization of refugees in "a social structure perfectly organized, with an excellent public health system ".


Young medical graduates in various universities in the world express their state of mind before the cameras: "Every day I die again, because of anxiety, of the desire to return", says one of these professionals, who pleads : "Kafana, kafana and kafana. Please, enough of seeing the Saharawi people suffering ", they say.

"They are highly trained young people who have returned to help their people, to give back what he has given them, thinking that they will return soon to their land. Now, they fell they are prisoners. This 'kafana', which is the Arabic way of saying 'enough is enough', is what defines the feeling they have ", explains the director of the film, a co-production of Making Doc y medicusmundi Catalunya, spanish daily said. SPS

