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The Saharawi youth does not see other solution but a return to a national liberation struggle (Spanish newspaper)

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Madrid, July 29, 2015 (SPS) .- The Saharawi youth no longer believe in promises and does not see another solution but a return to a national liberation struggle, said Diario de la Marina.

In an article posted on July 27, the Spanish newspaper warns that "the Saharawi youth no longer believe in promises and does not see another solution but a return to a national liberation struggle in an african continent area extremely sensitive to the infiltration of takfiríes and Wahhabi terrorist organizations ".

"It's a people occupied since 40 years, repressed, crushed and its resources plundered and international organizations don't make anything but charity", the same source added.

According to this newspaper, "the decolonization process of Western Sahara, accepted by Spain, failed miserably when Morocco seized General Franco dictatorship end to - with USA support- occupy the former Spanish province" and recalls that " Madrid's shameful agreements have only been surpassed by the shameful neglect of successive Spanish governments, which had the responsibility to carry out, as administrative power according to the United Nations (UN), a Western Sahara referendum for self-determination ". SPS

