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Swedish government renews support to Saharawi people’s self-determination

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Västerås (Sweden), August 11, 2015 (SPS) - Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven said his government is launching an in-depth study to identify ways to be followed to find an accelerated peaceful and lasting solution to Western Sahara conflict, reiterating his country’s position of support to the right of the Saharawi people to free self-determination, in a speech delivered at the closing ceremony of the 38th congress of the Swedish Democratic Party Youth League.

The Swedish Democratic youth (SSU) reaffirmed, at the conclusion of their congress, support to the question of the Saharawi people, pledging to continue defending this position in every international events.

The congress was attended by a Saharawi delegation composed of the Youth Union International Secretary, Hamdi Yusuf, member of UJSARIO external relation office, Najla Mohamed Lamin.

During the event, the delegation got to meet with a number of ministers who already held posts in the SSU and several members of parliament and senior cadres in Sweden. (SPS)
