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“No progress has been made” in Western Sahara’s issue

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New York, Sept 27, 2015 (SPS) - The African Union Peace and Security Council expressed “its deep concern” about the issue of Western Sahara, underlining that “no progress has been made” in achieving a solution to the conflict which is in an “impasse.”


In a meeting held on Saturday at the level of heads of State and government in New York, on the sidelines of the works of the United Nations general assembly, the Peace and Security Council of the African Union expressed “its deep concern about the fact, that in spite of the sustained efforts that have been made, including through the successive personal envoys of the United Nations Secretariat General, no progress has been made in reaching a solution to the conflict in Western Sahara which is an impasse for more than four decades.”


It reiterated AU’s commitment to continuing working for “a rapid settlement of the conflict in Western Sahara on the basis of the international legality and relevant decisions of the United Nations and the African Union and in a close cooperation with the United Nations.”


In this regard, the Council encourages the Commission’s presidency to “continue and to increase efforts, including through its Special Envoy Chissano, for an effective follow-up of the relevant provisions of the communiqué” of the Security Council. (SPS)

