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Algeria calls international community to organize self-determination referendum for Sahrawi people

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New York (United Nations), October 3, 2015 (SPS) Algeria called on the international community to organize the self-determination referendum for the Saharawi people proposed by the United Nations and the African Union, indicated the Algerian Minister of Foreign, Mr. Ramtane Lamamra, in his speech to the 70th session of the UN General Assembly.


 "Algeria also supports, with conviction, the right of the Sahrawi people to freely determine its own destiny. It supports in this regard the efforts of the Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General, Mr. Christopher Ross", stressed Mr. Lamamra.  


 It also called on the United Nations to set a date for the holding of the referendum in accordance with the relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council and the General Assembly.


Mr. Lamamra reiterated commitment of Algeria and its attachment to defend the right of peoples to self-determination and support to just causes around the world, expressing the support of his country to the United Nations efforts to achieve a solution to the conflict of Western Sahara allowing the Sahrawi people to freely determine their own future.  


"Algeria will spare no effort to help the parties to the conflict and the United Nations to overcome difficulties in order to carry out this solution, long awaited by the Sahrawi people and the peoples of the Maghreb", added the chief of the Algerian diplomacy. (SPS)

