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Deterioration of health situation of Sahrawi political prisoners of Gdeim Izik group

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Rabat (Morocco) October 9, 2015 (SPS) - Salé prison 1administration in Rabat has transformed Saharawi political prisoners of Gdeim Izik group Ahmed Sbai and Abd Jalil Laroussi Lemghaimad to Ibn Sina University in the city as result of the deterioration of their health situation.


 Saharawi political prisoner and President of the Association of Protection of Sahrawi Political Prisoners Ahmed Sbai has lost the ability to move using crutches and has undergone since his transfer Monday to the hospital some medical tests in preparation for surgery on his right knee.


Saharawi political prisoner Abd Jalil Laroussi Lemghaimad is also in the same hospital after suffering Wednesday a sharp rise in blood pressure, prompting his urgent transfer to the hospital where he spent long hours in the medical emergency section.


The transfer of the Sahrawi political prisoner was took place under a tight security guard, it should be recalled. (SPS)

