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Moroccan security forces crack down peaceful demonstration in occupied El Aaiun

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El Aaiun(occupied territories), October, 20 2015 (SPS) - The Moroccan security forces has violently dispersed a peaceful demonstration organized by dozens of Sahrawi in the city of El Aaiun (occupied Western Sahara) to demand the holding of a referendum of self-determination and the immediate release of all Saharawi political prisoners.


The protesters were strongly repressed by the various formations of Moroccan security such as rapid intervention forces, the police and the army, leaving several casualties and injuries, including:

- Said Haddad (a disabled suffered a beating and threatened by police officers).

- Jadiyetu Yumani (suffered beatings and assaults that left her unconscious and was taken to hospital).

- Brahim Dihani (suffered a hand injury)

- Sidi Mohamed Daddach (suffered beatings and assaults).

- Raguia Al-Hawasi (physical assaults and insults).

- Zeinab Ludeiki (physical assaults and insults).

- Salma Limam (suffered insults and was confiscated her cellular phone).

- Abdelaziz Bella Y (beatings and suffered injury to his left leg).

- Tagui Al-Mashdufi (right knee injury). (SPS)

