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President of Lower House Foreign Affairs Commission reiterates Algeria's commitment to self-determination of Saharawi people

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Madrid, 14 Nov 2015 (SPS) - President of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the National People's Assembly (Lower House) Nourdine Belmeddah hailed Friday evening in Madrid, the peaceful struggle of the Saharawi people against the Moroccan occupier, reiterating the commitment of Algeria to the right to self-determination as the only solution to the conflict in Western Sahara occupied by Morocco for 40 years.


"The right to self-determination is a supreme law of human rights as provided by international law for all people, and the Saharawi people's deprivation of that right is unfair," said Belmeddah in his address at the opening session of the 40th edition of the European Conference of support and solidarity with the Saharawi people (EUCOCO).


He recalled that "the United Nations has made considerable efforts for a solution that guarantees the Sahrawi people their legitimate right to self-determination through a peaceful and democratic way, but these efforts have been hampered and blocked because of Morocco's stubbornness, a country that shy away from its obligations."


The support of Algeria to the Saharawi people for self-determination and independence in accordance with international resolutions "remains constant and supported and cannot be subjected to any maneuver or blackmail, it suffers from no ambiguity," said Belmeddah, explaining that this fundamental position is inspired by" the long struggle of the Algerian people against colonialism and the conviction of the Algerian state of the right of peoples to freedom and independence."


Belmeddah stressed "Algeria has no animosity towards the Moroccan people and State, and is not considered as a party to the conflict between Morocco and the Polisario Front." (SPS)

