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POLISARIO Representative received at Danish Parliament

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Copenhagen, (Denmark) December 4th, 2015 – The Representative of POLISARIO Front to Denmark, Mr. Abba Malainin, was received Friday by Mr. Rasmus Nordqvist, member of the Danish Parliament and the Spokesman on Foreign Affairs of the Alternative Party in the Parliament. Mr. Rasmus is also a member of the Danish Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.


The meeting focused on the latest developments in Western Sahara, the ongoing obstacles put by the government of Morocco to hinder the UN peace process in Western Sahara, the human rights violations and the illegal exploitation of the Saharawi people’s natural resources.


The Saharawi representative underlined to his interlocutor that after 40 years of illegal occupation to Western Sahara by Morocco and 24 years of the UN Peace process, it is time that Europe and the international actors exert pressure on Morocco to let the people of Western Sahara exercise freely their right to self-determination through a referendum under the UN auspices. (SPS)

