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Cuba reiterates support to Sahrawi people’s struggle for their right to self-determination, independence

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Havana, December 7, 2015 (SPS) - The Cuban Communist Party reiterated Cuba’s support to the struggle of the Sahrawi people, led by the Polisario Front, for their right to self-determination and independence.


In a meeting with a Sahrawi delegation, member of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and head of its international relations department José Ramon Balaguer reaffirmed Havana’s support to the struggle of the Sahrawi people for their independence.


The Cuban official expressed “the Cuban people’s admiration for the struggle of the Sahrawi people,” fighting for more than forty years for the independence of Western Sahara, Africa’s last colony, illegally occupied by Morocco with the support of France.



The Sahrawi delegation, made up of the Secretary General of the National Union of Sahrawi Women Fatma El-Mehdi, the responsible for external relations Khadjatu  El-Mokhtar and the ambassador of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) to Havana Malainin Atganan, expressed its gratitude to the “Cuban revolution, led by Fidel Castro, for his historical position of support to the struggle of the Sahrawi people against the Moroccan military occupation.”


The delegation, which took part in the works of the 70th anniversary of the Women’s International Democratic Federation (WIDF), held talks with the head of the North Africa and Middle East Department at Cuban Foreign Affairs Ministry Rolando Requeijo and Secretary General of the Federation of Cuban Women Teresa Amarelle, said the source. (SPS)

