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TASSC denounces the holding of Crans Montana in the occupied Dakhla

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Tanzania, January 20, 2016 (SPS) - Tanzania Sahrawi Solidarity Committee (TASSC) has denounced on Monday the decision of the Board of Grans Montana to hold for the second time its annual session in the city of Dakhla from 17thto 22nd March 2016, in a letter a copy of which obtained by SPS.


“On behalf of the Tanzania Sahrawi Solidarity Committee (TASSC), I hereby write to you to express our condemnation to your decision to hold, for the second time, your annual session in the city of Dakhla from 17thto 22nd March 2016.” said the TASSC Chairperson Ado Shaibu.


Dakhla, the city you have chosen to hold your session has never been part of Morrocco. Morroco’s presence in Dakhla and other parts of Western Sahara constitutes a fundamental breach of international law. In its historic advisory opinion on Western Sahara issued on 16 October 1975, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) categorically established that there never existed any tie of territorial sovereignty between Western Sahara and Morocco. added the Chairperson.


TASSC stressed that Morroco has attempted to undermine the efforts of the international community in addressing the question of Western Sahara including its reluctance to allow free and fair referendum under the United Nations through MINURSO, pointing out that Morocco continues to violate systematically human rights and international humanitarian law in the territories of Western Sahara under its illegal occupation. Currently the entire Territory is put under a military siege and a total media blackout, whilst Morocco continues to ban international observers and media from entering the territories.(SPS)

