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"Crans Montana forum in occupied Dajla challenge to international legality" Slovenian Institute for Studies on the Western Sahara

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Ljubljana (Slovenia) February 09, 2016 (SPS) - the Slovenian Institute for Studies on the Western Sahara said that the holding of Crans Montana forum in occupied Dajla is a new challenge to the international legality by the Kingdom of Morocco.

" the organization of Crans Montana Forum in the Saharawi occupied territories constitutes a" flagrant violation of international law, encouragement to  a policy of expansion, a violation of the charters of the United Nations and the African Union, and a threat to peace and stability in the region” the Slovenian Institute added . "

 the Institute strongly condemned the initiatives that seek to legitimize the status quo in Western Sahara, calling on international organizations to boycott this forum, which is a clear violation of international norms and conventions.

The Institute urged the Slovenian government, civil society and the Slovenian organizations to not participate in this forum which scheduled to be in the period between 17 to 22 March. (SPS)

