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Implementing international humanitarian law on Western Sahara’s issue, theme of conference in Geneva

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Geneva, February 11, 2016 (SPS) .- The implementation of the international humanitarian law on the issue of Western Sahara, in the 8th edition of “wounded memory” devoted this year to the Sahrawi cause, is the theme of a conference held Tuesday, in Geneva, in the presence of the representative of the Polisario Front in Switzerland Maima Abdessalam and several specialists in international law.


Speaking in this conference, Professor Eric David reviewed the legal status of Western Sahara and the right of the Sahrawi people to self-determination and independence.


For his part, the director of the Institute of International Law at Geneva University Marco Sassouli made a presentation on the compliance of the implementation of Geneva’s Conventions in Western Sahara, in the light of the signing by the Polisario Front of the additional Protocol to these conventions, denouncing “the illegal exploitation of the Sahrawi natural resources by the Moroccan regime.”


Speaking on behalf of the Association of Families of Sahrawi Missing People (AFAPREDESA) Abida Mohamed Mazin condemned “ forced disappearances, arbitrary detention of Sahrawis in the occupied territories of Western Sahara by the Moroccan authorities,” calling for a “UN mechanism that should ensure the protection of Sahrawi civilians in the occupied territories against the Moroccan repression.” (SPS)

