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Festivities marking 40th anniversary of SADR proclamation kick off

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Dakhla (Refugee Camps), 27 February 2016 (SPS) - The festivities commemorating the 40th anniversary of the proclamation of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) kicked off on Saturday at the Sahrawi refugee camp of Dakhla, in the presence of delegations from more than twenty countries.


Chaired by the Sahrawi President Mohamed Abdelaziz, the festivities of this anniversary, so dear to the Sahrawi people, kicked off with military and civil parades, relating the building process of the Sahrawi State, over the last 40 years punctuated with the creation of institutions and development of the human resource and the Sahrawi personality.


Artistic facets were presented by the representatives of the Sahrawi civil society to give to the world an overview on the difficult conditions that the different generations of the Sahrawi people have endured, along the struggle they promised to lead until the recovery of their independence and country.


A large Algerian delegation, led by Minister of Mujahedeen (War Veterans) Tayeb Zitouni attended the festivities, comprising notably the head of the Algerian friendship parliamentary group with the Sahrawi people Saida Bounab, Commander General of the Algerian Muslim Scouts Mohamed Bouallegue and officials of the Algerian federation of sports and employment as well as artistic figures. (SPS)

