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Ban Ki-moon in Smara: Thousands demand organization of self-determination referendum

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Smara (refugee camps), 6 March 2016 (SPS) - Thousands of Sahrawi refugees greeted on Saturday UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in Smara (Sahrawi refugee camps) to reaffirm their attachment to independence and the exercise of their right to self- determination, bringing the UN to assume it responsibility regarding the settlement of Western Sahara conflict, opposing Morocco and Polisario Front.


Arrived aboard a helicopter and accompanied by his Envoy Christopher Ross and UN delegation, Ban was welcomed by Sahrawis waving banners and chanting slogans calling for the "organization, without delay, of the self-determination for the Sahrawi people" in fight against the Moroccan occupying forces.


This is the main demand of the Saharawi refugees, who had long awaited Ban's visit in the region to emphasize the responsibility of the international community and the need for an urgent resolution of the conflict, which has lasted more than forty years, through "reviving serious and responsible negotiations."


Reiterating the commitment of Polisario Front, their legitimate representative in the UN settlement process, the Sahrawis have waved pictures of the Sahrawi victims of inhuman practices and the breach of Human Rights in the occupied territories by the Moroccan regime.


"The Sahrawis expect from Ban Ki-moon to see with his own eyes the Moroccan violations to react and assume its responsibility," told APS Mohamed, a Sahrawi refugee. (SPS)

