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Sahrawi Government warns against crossing of so-called 'Africa Eco-Race' through SADR territories

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Sahrawi Government warns against crossing of so-called 'Africa Eco-Race' through SADR territories

Bir Lahlou (Sahrawi Republic), December 9, 2024 (SPS) - The government of the Sahrawi Republic has warned the organizers of the 16th edition of the so-called "Africa Eco-Race," as well as all participants and sponsors of the race, against crossing the territories of the Sahrawi Republic, considering the entire territory of this country, including its land, maritime, and aerial spaces, to be an open war zone due to Moroccan occupation.

In a statement, the Sahrawi government once again called on “all countries of the world and public and private sectors to refrain from engaging in any such activities on Sahrawi national territory,” warning the organizers of the 16th edition of the so-called "Africa Eco-Race," along with all participants and sponsors, holding them accountable for any consequences that may arise from their entry and crossing of Sahrawi national territory.

The Sahrawi government reaffirms that the entire territory of the Sahrawi Republic, including its land, maritime, and aerial spaces, remains an open war zone since Morocco violated the ceasefire on November 13, 2020.

“The Sahrawi Republic reserves the legitimate right to respond firmly to any action that threatens its sovereignty and territorial integrity, and holds the occupying Moroccan state fully responsible for its destabilizing actions, which pose serious dangers to the already stalled United Nations peace process and threaten peace, security, and stability throughout the region,” the statement concluded.