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President of Republic congratulates his South African counterpart on Freedom Day

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President of Republic congratulates his South African counterpart on Freedom Day

Birlehlou (Liberated Territories), 27 April 2024 (SPS) -  President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Brahim Ghali, has sent a message of congratulations  to President of the Republic of South Africa, HE Mr. Cyril Matamela Ramaphosa, on the occasion of his country's celebration of Freedom Day.

The full text of the message:

“HE Mr. Cyril Matamela Ramaphosa

President of the Republic of South Africa


Bir Lehlou, 26 April 2024

Your Excellency and Dear Brother,

On the occasion of your sisterly country’s celebrations of the Freedom Day, allow me to convey our most heartfelt congratulations to your Excellency and to the brotherly People and Government of South Africa.

The 27th of April has been engraved in the history of your country and that of humanity at large as a great victory against the monstrous criminal system of Apartheid, which was one of the worst crimes against humanity.

The victorious and heroic struggle of the people of South Africa succeeded to defeat the yokes of repression that ravaged not only South Africa, but also and at larger scale the whole of the subregion of southern Africa. More importantly it led to the establishment of a vibrant democratic, non-racial, and free South Africa to meet the aspirations of most of its people.

On this great occasion, I would like once more to express to your Excellency our strong resolve to keep strengthening further the excellent relations that happily exist between our two nations, and to work together closely inside the African Union for a better Africa and better world.

I would like also to reiterate our deepest appreciation and gratitude for the principled position and brotherly solidarity that my country has always enjoyed from your respected country.

Allow me your Excellency and Dear Brother to wish you and your sisterly country more prosperity, progress, and to renew to you the assurances of my highest consideration.

Brahim Ghali

President of Sahrawi Republic”